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Percent of Total MN School Disciplinary Incidents Involving Prescription Drugs, 2010/2011 - 2013/2014


About the Indicator:

School disciplinary incidents involving prescription drugs were obtained by school district, then aggregated to the county level.  Percentages are found by totaling each county's prescription drug-related incidents and dividing them by the total amount of disciplinary incidents for that county. Each incident is counted only once; if multiple reasons per incident were reported, only the most serious reason is counted.

Use this incident type when a student has in his or her possession, and/or is involved in the solicitation or sale of prescription medication that may or may not be prescribed for that student, and the possession is against school policy, consistent with state law.  A drug or other substance identified under Schedules I, II, III, IV or V of the Controlled Substance Act. See 21 USC § 812 (c); and Minnesota Statutes sections, 152.01 subd. 4 and 152.02. The term does not include distilled spirits, wine, malt beverages, intoxicating liquors or tobacco. 

Controlled Substance definition:

Controlled Substance Schedules:

Asthma Inhalers:

Use of Nonsyringe Injectors of Epinephrine at school:

Data Source: Minnesota Department of Education Data Center

Description: The Minnesota Department of Education's Data Center provides reports and data on students, schools, districts, teachers, and education-related organizations.

Sponsored by: MN Department of Education

Geographic Level: School district, County, State, Region

Frequency: Data collected and reported annually

Characteristics:  Each year districts report all disciplinary incidents that result in an out-of-school suspension/removal of one day or longer and expulsions/exclusions.