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Number of Dakota County Cirrhosis Deaths, 1997 - 2017


About the Indicator: Drinking alcohol is a risk factor for many causes of death in Minnesota.  It is estimated that 40% of liver cirrhosis deaths, among both males and females in the United States, are alcohol-related.

In 2007, reported cirrhosis deaths were lower in Minnesota than the national average (rate ratio = 0.76:1.00). State and national rates are from CDC Wonder Compressed Mortality File. The state rates from 2012 and 2013 are calculated using population data from the Minnesota State Demographic Center and the Metropolitan Council. For more national comparisons, click here State Epi Profile.

Data Source: Alcohol-attributable fractions: Alcohol-Attributable Disease Impact (ARDI)

Description: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calculate Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI) estimates of alcohol-related deaths due to alcohol consumption. To do this, ARDI either calculates or uses pre-determined estimates of Alcohol-Attributable Fractions (AAFs)—that is, the proportion of deaths from various causes that are due to alcohol. These AAFs are then multiplied by the number of deaths caused by a specific condition (e.g., liver cancer) to obtain the number of alcohol-attributable deaths.

Sponsored by: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Geographic Level: Nation

Frequency: ARDI estimates were last calculated for 2015-2019

Characteristics: ARDI is based on a large-scale, national study. Alcohol-attributable fractions vary with prevalence of substance use, and are less reliable for smaller populations. Care should be taken when applying alcohol-attributable fractions at the county level.

Data Source: Natality and Mortality data: Minnesota Center for Health Statistics

Description: Minnesota Health Statistics Annual Summary includes the number of deaths in a county classified by ICD 10 codes.  Natality include the percent of births to women who reported smoking during pregnancy by county.

Sponsored by: Minnesota Department of Health

Geographic Level: State, County

Aggregated data at the state and county level do not reveal disparities that may exist within a given geographic area.

Frequency: Death and Birth data are collected and reported annually

Characteristics: Mortality and Natality data are collected consistently at the county level.